Google Expeditions Kit for Education


We’re no strangers to VR cardboard headsets; since Google released them back in 2014 we’ve seen a variety of them in all shapes and sizes. What some people might not know yet is that a few months after, in 2015; Google released what would revolutionize classrooms forever: the Google Expeditions kit.

Expeditions was originally a program that would provide VR experiences to children in their school’s classrooms. Through online registration teachers were able to receive the Google Expeditions Kit, which includes 30 Google Cardboards for students to use, synchronized phones and an iPad for the teacher to be the director of the expedition. Luckily for us (the people who are not students or teachers) in 2017 Google released the Expeditions app for everybody to enjoy, without the need of having to purchase the entire Expeditions Kit (yay!).

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But, taking a step back, why do we say that this was a revolution for classrooms? The answer is as simple as it is big: it allows students from any classroom to take a field trip. I’m sure you’re thinking a bunch of kids waiting in line to get on the bus to go to the museum; well, it’s not that kind of field trip.

With a huge library of over 1000 VR and 100 AR tours teachers are able to take their students on a new adventure and experience what they wouldn’t be able to do normally: visit ancient Greece and Rome, swim with sharks, see the International Space Station, and even walk among dinosaurs.

Sure, there are some cons like the extra surprise noises kids will make when they see a T-Rex walking right by them, but there are many more pros that we will try to comprise in a short list:

- Students can experience actual size, space dimensions and spacial relations: in the more typical school lesson or homework session students are usually referred to images to show what they are learning. This can make it very difficult for anyone to actually perceive and understand what are the actual dimensions or space relations of things. As an example; when swimming with sharks students will be able to see the actual size of the shark compared to them, which will broaden their perception of known and unknown concepts.

- Students’ engagement is increased: it can be difficult to keep kids and teenagers interested for any time period if the subject is not of their interest. Using the VR headset and the Expeditions app as a support for the lesson can engage them because they will be using a visual aid to accompany the lesson.

- You can encourage often ignored parts of the cognitive process: we know that everybody is different, and each individual is sensitive to different methods and stimulus. Being able to offer a new and different experience from the typical ‘writing in the chalkboard and talking lesson’ will allow you to provide a new tool for those students who might need a more visual or active approach to the curriculum.

- Help your students with career decision-making: students can explore a variety of professions as well as going on virtual tours of college and university campuses. This could also be of real help for those kids who are not sure of pursuing a career; it can give them a more realistic view on what it would be like to be a professional or go to the University.

As a bonus, if the lesson you’re looking for is not included, or the material shown doesn’t appeal to you, you can create your own tour using this page.

If you’re interested in using Google Expeditions Kit for education you can go here to learn more about it.

Have you used in your classroom? Are you a teacher or a student? Tell us your experience in the comments section below!

  • Important note: don’t forget to follow the safety instructions for the use of VR Google Cardboard viewer and ask students to take frequent breaks*

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